有感染力的福音夥伴 (Contagious Gospel Partner) [B]
上課錄音 1
上課錄音 2
上課錄音 3
IV. 如何成為有感染力的福音夥伴 (Contagious Gospel Partner)
1. 有感染力福音夥伴的前題
1) 親身經歷 (約壹1:1) experience
2) 主愛激勵 (林後5:14) inspiration
3) 聖靈能力 (徒1:8) dynamism
4) 愛勝恐懼 (約壹4:18; 提後1:7) fear factors
5) 憐憫流離 (太9:36) compassion
6) 為道迫切 (徒18:5) urgency
2. 友誼佈道法 Friendship Evangelism 77%, belonging before believing
從生活型態佈道法 Lifestyle Evangelism 開始 (public to personal)
1) 耶穌基督的榜樣 (太11:19)
2) 酒店牧師嚴金龍 (約8:11)
3) 關係遠勝於命題 (約15:13) relational over propositional truth
4) 誰是你福音朋友 relational time and recreational time spent with whom?
intentional gospel impact list (列下三位福音朋友)
5) 搭起友誼的橋樑 the friend knocking the door at midnight (Lk 11:5-8)
talk to God about them before talking to them about God.
spend time together, sincere sharing without agenda or string
6) 強逼閃避抓良機 forcing God into conversation or finding chance to share.
3. 個人談道的挑戰 The challenge of personal evangelism
1) 第一次約會的害怕 (既迫切期待又怕受傷害) risk taking leap of faith
2) 傳福音的4M ( Messenger > Ministry > Message >Method) 生命 > 侍奉 > 信息 > 策略
3) 敏銳察覺聖靈帶領 (徒10:17) God’s sovereignty, our obedient participation
4) 觀察最佳收割時機 (約4:35) waiting, observing, asking for permission
5) 同一信息不同表達 universal truth in various applications
6) 診斷之後才開處方 don’t prescribe before diagnosis
Jesus is the answer, what is the question?
4. 專注傾聽的好處 Attentive Listening, Empathy Training, Two ears One mouth. People don’t care what you know, until they know that you care.
1) 傾聽表達尊重關心,建立自尊更深傾心 (詩5:3) respect deepens sharing
2) 傾聽幫助認識對方,瞭解目前切身需要 (約10:27) felt need to genuine need
3) 傾聽發現彼此共識,找到福音的接觸點 (徒17:22) share gospel in their terms
4) 傾聽贏取對方信任,引起興趣聽你分享 (啟3:20) earn the right to be heard
5) 傾聽鼓勵對方回饋,澄清誤會促進瞭解 (約4:32-34) feedback clarification
5. 表達自我的技巧 Self Expression
1) 啟發式發問以幫助對方更深表達 Socrates Method, 學問, open ending
2) 肯定對方的真理以建立共識區域 Common Ground as Contact Point
3) 忽略對方之錯誤以避免批判衝突 don’t pick a fight, Tahiti hut
4) 大膽想像創意出其不意生動有趣 provocative, unpredictable (good Samaritan)
5) 使用對方瞭解比喻闡明聖經真理 parable of sower, medical parable
6) 分享經驗引用聖經不要扮演上帝 sharing pilgrim, quote scripture, wait for HS
6. 分享福音的故事 Sharing Gospel Story
1) 福音的本質與重點 (賽61:1; 太11:5; 羅1:16-17; 林前1:17, 22-25)
2) 三棵樹的故事 (創2:17; 徒10:39; 啟22:2)
3) 自由抉擇的故事 (respect the freedom of choice with responsibility)
伊甸園亞當的抉擇; 各各他強盜的抉擇; 上帝最後的尊重
(創3:6; 路23:39-43; 啟20:11-15)
4) 關係神學的角度 (relational theology approach) (four relationships)
Shalom in Eden > Paradise Lost > Calvary Cross > Reconciliation Process > Eternal Unity
5) 三層次的認識 (約17:3) 希伯來文關係的認識 (創4:1 yada)
理性的認知; 感性的認同; 意志的認獻
Rational cognition; Emotional Identification; Volitional Dedication